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The next drawing, Male Figure Walking, is an important exercise. You can use the same basic model to practice your skills, using the walking motion sequentially to show the different leg positions. To begin, have the model perform a quick, single-sprint stride, then transition into a more relaxed walk. At this point, you will want to immediately paint over the lines because they will soon disappear. The first image is an initial rough sketch. The second image shows where you can begin to add notation and color. The model is holding himself in the full-arm position, the elbow is slightly bent, and the forearm is extended. The back leg is slightly bent, and the thighs are square. The front leg is straight, and the foot is slightly turned. By starting the drawing with a manikin figure, you can more easily combine the arm, torso, and leg into a single, balanced image. Your next task is to create your own equivalent of figure key points.
The next image shows the placement of the key positions of the action. You can see the position of the pelvis, spine, neck, shoulders, and hands. Once you have established these key positions, you can begin working in the background using the human form as a standard. The final image shows the completed drawing with distinct layers of background, figures, and shadows. Notice that the top layers show the lighting with a stronger shadow of the back leg and the reflection of the silhouette of the leg and arm showing through the torso. The strong shadow in the ear and the side of the face reinforces the highly defined form in the drawing. More shadow under the chin and in the side of the face helps soften the shape of the figure.
The next exercise, Male Figure Jogging, is a quick study of a basic jogging motion. I manipulated the key positions, applying value modulation to indicate the shadow tones. I worked in the background, modeling it around the forms using a combination of lines, contouring, and tonal variations. d2c66b5586