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A Textbook Of Optics by N. Subrahmanyam, Brij Lal, M. N. AvadhanuluBook Summary:This book provides an introduction to optics and is mainly intended for undergraduate students of science and engineering. This book aims to provide the necessary foundation in optics which prepares the student for an intensive study of advanced topics in optics at a later stage. Much of optics requires a good knowledge of mathematics. The traditional approach appears to stress on the derivations, with a lesser attention paid to the physical concepts. As a result, the student feels the subject to be insipid, disconnected and far from inspiring. An attempt is made in this book to balance the requirements of students taking a course in physics and at the same time to make the subject interesting to them.
Optokinetic responses (OKRs) are reflexive eye movements induced by a moving visual pattern (Collewijn, 1991; Distler and Hoffmann, 2003; Stahl, 2004, 2008; Leigh and Zee, 2006; Buttner and Kremmyda, 2007; Kodama and du Lac, 2016). When a visual pattern starts to move, the eyes begin to move toward the direction of the stimulus motion to produce an initial phase OKR. If the movement of the visual pattern continues for a longer duration, slow tracking eye movements are interrupted by prompt eye movements that reset the eye to its primary position, thus constituting a late-phase OKR. This ocular response of alternating slow tracking and quick resetting eye movements is also known as optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). d2c66b5586