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There are some really good, serious articles on the subject here on Wikipedia (most of which require a subscription to read), but that doesn't give us an in-depth article in the way that this one does. It's cool to see you're familiar with it. And it's great that you took the time to write this essay about it, because it's a fascinating subject. Anyway, I thought this might be a little weird. But at least it was different! We all start somewhere.»
Thanks for highlighting the power of music to unite people. It's true. Inevitably some music does that, and the reason that some music does that and others don't is that the latter decline to abandon their authenticity and embrace the culture from whence they've borrowed the sounds, rhythms, melodies, riffs, fog-gags, twang, and in-between-layers, polyrhythm, and what have you.
The joy of modafinil is how it changes the way that we all live our lives. We shouldn't pass on modafinil and we certainly shouldn't pass on other potentially transformative modalities we've discovered. The artist is the entrepreneur of the future. There are so many undiscovered combinations of experiences we haven't tapped and I truly believe that if we persist in opening ourselves to new possibilities and opportunities, we will all live to be 120 and better. In a word: synergy. d2c66b5586