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The writing is competent, particularly in the opening scenes, which add some entertainment value despite the fact that the material is old. However, once the story gathers steam, the dialogues think they can be tongue-in-cheek merely because the characters say them. There is a preposterous subplot concerning the haunted house. The young journalist goes there in search of his wife's soul; the friend, who happens to be a private investigator, helps him conduct a midnight vigil; and the doctor does a bunk on his patient and the wife to go and meet his sweetheart. The whole sequence is a train wreck, but just when the audience is turning away, he has a flash of hope of a coincidence or two and the film quickly turns into a ghostly comedy. Anachronisms in the dialogues are either laughable or pathetic, as are the fact that the basement houses four dead inmates from the Gaddafi era and are gobbled up by ghoulish goblins. The songs, which come in a good mix of tunes are well-written and sung. d2c66b5586