Logitech R400 Presenter For Mac
LINK ===> https://bltlly.com/2tgBxw
I just bought a Logitech r400 to escape pressing the arrow keys on my keyboard during presentations. [Logitech officially says that the presenter only works under Windows]1 and is specifically designed for Power Point. However, I found it works perfectly under OSX and, with a little tuning, also with Keynote.
A wireless presenter is a very useful device for switching between the full-screen slides in a presentation. This document explains how to remap the keys of the presenter, to make it work with a specific presentation software.
A wireless presenter is basically just a wireless keyboard with very few keys. The most important of these keys are the Next and Previous keys, which are supposed to switch to the next and previous slide in the presentation, respectively.
In many presenters, the Next and Previous keys are mapped to Page Down and Page Up. This means that pressing the Next key on the presenter is really just the same thing as pressing Page Down on the computer keyboard.
These default functions of presenter keys are chosen like this, because many presentation applications (for example, Microsoft Power Point) used Page Up and Page Down to switch between slides in presentation mode.
This allows that the application-specific remappings of a device apply really only to this application, and not to other applications for which they might be inappropriate. For example, the presenter key remappings for Preview make no sense for Microsoft Power Point.
However, we could define another remapping for the same presenter device, but targeted at the Power Point application. Then, whenever we use the presenter with Preview, the Preview remapping applies, and whenever we use the presenter with Power Point, the Power Point remapping applies.
The same instructions apply to any other combinations of presenter and presentation application. You just have to adapt the key mappings, app ID, vendor ID, and product ID in the configuration JSON file accordingly, as explained below.
The above file is specific to the Preview app and the Logitech R700 presenter. If you want to adapt it to another app and device, you have to adapt the app IDs, vendor IDs and product IDs accordingly, as described further below.
For example, I remapped the keys of my presenter to the keyboard shortcuts used by the Google Play Music player (running in a web browser). In this way, I can use the presenter as a remote control for my music player.
If giving presentations is a part of your job, you should definitely take a look at our two new presenters: the Logitech Professional Presenter R800 and the Logitech Wireless Presenter R400. The R800 presenter is expected to be available in the U.S. and Europe beginning in August. The R400 presenter should be available beginning in September. Both products will also be available through Logitech for Business channels.
I am a huge fan of Logitech products and have used your cordless mouse almost my entire career. I am however disappointed that this new exciting mouse as well as the previous presenter do not have software written for MAC, it has forced me to buy other brands presenter instead. I sincerely hope you guys can write the LCC software for MAC users to use for their Keynote software.
I manage a resale operation at UMaine. 68% of our faculty and students purchase Macs. This year we have sold over 1039 macs and 493 windows machines. We love Logitech products, and are amazed that the Mac plaform was not adequately addressed for the R400 and R800 presenters. Please let us know when this compatibility problem is solved as we want to hang some for sale in our store. Best, Doug
You can try it the other way round: There's a freeware called \"Ukelele\" ( ) with which you can create a new keyboard layout using an existing as template. With this program you can create a keyboard layout named \"presenter\" so that the period key outputs the character \"b\". Using this keyboard layout Keynote works perfectly with Logitech (for example Presenter R800).Enjoy!Hanpi
[Logitech officially says that the presenter only works under Windows] 1 and is specifically designed for Power Point. However, I found it works perfectly under OSX and, with a little tuning, also with Keynote.
C-U0005Use the C-U0005 receiver with these presenters:Wireless Presenter R400 with M/N = R-R0004Professional Presenter R700 with M/N = R-R0006Professional Presenter R800 with M/N = R-R0003
C-U0014Use the C-U0014 receiver with these presenters:Wireless Presenter R400 with M/N = R-R0008Professional Presenter R700 with M/N = R-R0010Professional Presenter R800 with M/N = R-R0009
Then, connect your dongle, find the logitech_presenter_connection.exe and start it. After that, the software will ask you to power up your presenter while holding down the to the left and to the right keys of the presenter. 3+ seconds after powering up and holding down the keys, you can release the keys, turn off the presenter again and click Ok in the software. Power on your presenter again and see if it works, if not - try the procedure again.
Update (2019): Had to update the links as they were from 2015 and have changed due to Logitech deciding to changing their design (Thanks Michael!). Also please note the R400, R700 and R800 presenters are considered insecure and the dongles are now replaced by Logitech: -Logitech-Presenter-Hersteller-tauscht-gefaehrliche-USB-Empfaenger-aus-4423627.html
There under Downloads you will see nothing. But you should change the Windows Version to Windows 8. You will see the program for Presenter. If you choose \"Show all downloads\" there will be \"Pairing-Funktion für Präsentationsgerät\" Program (Don't know how it is in english). This you can run on Windows 10 and pair your presenter and receiver.Direct link for the program: _1.0.38.exe
Great work around, just got the BeBoncool knockoff of this remote and just like you described, I was able to remove the exit presentation usability from the remote. Outright improvement over original usage when dealing with clueless presenters.
The Logitech R400 2.4GHz wireless presenter lets you concentrate on your presentation without worrying about the buttons or wires or how you are going to point out the details. It connects wirelessly to computers and laptops via a USB receiver. This Logitech wireless presenter is compatible with Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and up.
With a 50-ft (15m) range, you are free to move around the stage or smaller rooms without hassle. The red laser presenter allows you to highlight specifics easily. It is simple to use whether you have big or small hands so even your audience members can get involved for a more interactive presentation.
When selecting a presentation remote, comfortable fit should be a key consideration. Designed for comfort, the Logitech R400 2.4GHz wireless presenter has a simple design and small size. When your presentation is over or you're traveling to your next one, put the remote into its handy carry case for simple storage and easily get ready for your next one.
In many cases, logitech R400 drivers windows 10 are not required, because Windows installs software in the background. But if you have another operating system installed then you can download Logitech accessories drivers for free on our website.
For Logitech R400 Remote, you can immediately use it without the need for software to install on your computer, provide a Wireless Receiver, and plug it into the USB port. You can start your presentation without being obstructed by cables, short distances, and others. And when the presentation is finished, you can store the receiver in the presenter that has been provided without the need to prepare additional pockets to keep the receiver safe.
herzlichen dank für diese sehr gute hinweise, seit ich mein Macbook habe lag der R400 presenter in meine buro herum und jetzt kan ich ihn wieder benutzen.Super Tipp !! und naturlich habe ich den Japanischen freund der es technisch ermöglicht hat etwas gespendet !
Logitech Presenter with Powerpoint (white)private.app_powerpoint_logitech_presenterPOWERPOINTDeviceVendor::LOGITECH, DeviceProduct::Rx00--KeyToKey-- KeyCode::DOT, KeyCode::W 153554b96e