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Almost every field of human knowledge has been influenced by the work of the great theorist of values, Milton Rokeach. In fact, the term value has become part of common vernacular among the people of every nationality. Rokeach (1984) defined value in the following way: "Values concern how people orient their lives and how they judge the results of those orientations.” Rokeach went on to explain that values are enduring beliefs that guide a person in his or her life “especially in choosing the goals and activities, and in evaluating the results of an individual’s actions. Values are guides that steer action towards one or more preferred goals and away from one or more unwanted goals..." It can be argued that this definition, which can be applied for any person in any field, is very vague and open to the person’s own experience, knowledge, and cultural orientation. When dealing with human ecological problems, the use of value can be elaborated in different terms and contexts: For instance, we can find a description of the human values, the management of the environment, using scientific evaluation models, planning, and decision-making. The whole process is closely related to any one of these uses. For example, we can apply the concept of environmental values in order to locate how active people are in changing their behaviors in favor of other values, based on theories and concepts of behavior change such as the theory of planned behavior (TPB). The TPB is an effective model for achieving positive change in behavior, and lays out the conditions and variables that are related to those behavioral changes. The main actor in the model is the target behavior. An individual’s attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control are believed to be the strongest predictors of that target behavior. In our case, the target behavior is the use of services by the elderly to preserve the natural environment of the region. The study has as its main objective to find out who uses the services and what are the motivations of those persons using the service. The research hypothesis is that the more they use the service, the more likely it is that they will be interested in preserving the environment. The concept of environmental values is essential in understanding and evaluating whether a person actually changes or does not change his/her behavior. Environmental values and social change in the region are also discussed through the interview and the document analysis. For example, in the interviews we discussed changes and decisions (from active to passive) in relation to use of the service. d2c66b5586