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Most of the websites and pages that discuss Ancient Aliens focus on the ancient astronaut theory. Albert Einstein described the theory in 1945 as a "fairy tale" and a "pseudoscience". [7] Einstein characterized the ancient astronaut theory as a form of "superstition" in which "to set up certain alleged facts as knowledge is in my opinion not much better than the ancient belief in the magical powers of the soil, of plants, and even of the human body."[7] Some scholars of philosophy such as Robert G. Schaff[8] maintain that, if scientific and {sic} rational thought is to be invoked to explain what is generally accepted as the case, it will be necessary to exercise judgment and "free opinion". One such expert is astronomer Viktor Mayer-Hasselhoff. "When I've seen the show Ancient Aliens, I ask myself, where did they get that from?" He said. "For the first time, I saw the impression modern physical and natural science receive into the human mind. We get it into our mind by power of suggestion, in the form of movies, movies and other media. And that is also by power of suggestion, not by scientific evidence." [9]
The Ancient Aliens website also outlines views from a number of sources. The website suggests that the hypothesis is also promoted by podcaster Benjamin Radford. Born in 1975, Radford has also done science and technology TV shows on the Discovery Channel (1989–1993), and on the National Geographic Channel (1994–2004). Radford claims to find the ancient astronaut theory to be "entertaining and compelling"[10][but] although it makes for lively viewing, Ancient Aliens is not a trustworthy source. … Radford has come across as nothing but a conspiracy-minded showman in the past.[11][12] Another source of Ancient Aliens that appears on the website is a documentary called Contact!, wherein ancient astronaut proponents Victor and Harriet Heck have spoken. Additionally, a number of documents relating to Ancient Aliens can be found at the site as well, including the website header. The site also features a blog, where some anonymous posts and letters are available. The site also features a FAQ page where some theories on the ancient astronaut hypothesis are stated. d2c66b5586