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A rocky mountain range that extends north into Everlund, a place that rocks, rolls and earthmoves like a never ending game of the Sims. It is comprised of several layers of stone and constantly shifts. Shadowmantle : rocky and rough terrain, infested with lingering frostbite and other nasty things. Caves : several mines, with hard ground and thoughts of underground rogues and orcs. Ruins : ice caves, sharp winds, cold and emptiness. Ruins : old dwarven ruins, mostly of interest to the smugglers. Waves : endless grinding of mountain boulders over the lands of the Ironfangs.
In the end, the dwarves never managed to fully excavate Uldaman, but they did manage to extract the Shards of Zulkir, Zulkir's Key and the Key of Abadar. It is not known if there are any other related keys. There may be. The Shrines can lead to a lot of questions if dwarves were so obsessed with them.
The Shadowmantle Mountains lead from Everlund through the Furthbrind and the Barren. They reach the far southern edge of the Cormanthor Sea and are surrounded by Foreverfall Forest. It is an intense and rough climate, with cold winds, raging firestorms and massive ice storms. d2c66b5586