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Hardware that supports 3D audio is supported on Windows 10 (including Windows 8.1). However, if the device is not configured with compatible drivers on Windows 7 and 8.1, Windows 10 does not install them. But Windows 10 can continue to use legacy driver names by identifying the device hardware device ID.
RtMix10 and RtMix was the last and the best hardware mixer which is available for Windows. Its main flaw was only the absence of MIDI instruments and arrangements. However, RtMix10 could also handle wave and digital audio passed to it from other applications (like RtMix itself) and applied to the routing/triggering of the virtual instruments and the arrangement. Its output was routed through the WaveMover3_XD virtual instruments directly.
jrvinen has released a 'MaxxAudio Patch' for Windows 10. It can be installed as a patch and 'enables' the Windows API version 15.00.50727.762 (for Apps targeting >= v15) and fixes the missing Windows 10 installer for all Maxx Audio DSP APIS. d2c66b5586